Edward Miguel

Economics, Berkeley

Edward Miguel is the Oxfam Professor of Environmental and Resource Economics and Faculty Director of the Center for Effective Global Action at the University of California, Berkeley. His main research focus is on African economic development. He was a National Science Foundation Fellow at Harvard University and has been a visiting professor at Princeton University and Stanford University.

Miguel is a Faculty Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research, is on the Board of Reviewing Editors for Science and has served as Associate Editor of the Quarterly Journal of Economics, is a recipient of the 2005 Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, winner of the 2005 Kenneth J. Arrow Prize awarded annually by the International Health Economics Association and a 2002 Berkeley Hellman Fellow. Prof. Miguel was elected as a Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2020.

Edward Miguel co-founded the Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA) in 2007 and serves as Faculty Co-Director. He is also the co-founder and Faculty Director of the Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences (BITSS). He is the author of "Transparent and Reproducible Social Science Research" (with Garret Christensen and Jeremy Freese), published by University of California Press in 2019.