Einstein Foundation Early Career Award 2021


With ManyBabies 5Jessica Kosie and Martin Zettersten (both from Princeton University, USA) are planning a large-scale and cross-cultural study on influential models in infant attention research. Current theories on this subject are largely only based on studies with a small number of participants, who are primarily from western industrialized countries. 

The ManyBabies 5 team is a large-scale collaborative effort of more than 200 scientists from 122 laboratories in 40 countries on 6 continents. The overarching goal is to build a more robust and valid developmental science. Find more information on the project on their website or in the blog of our media partner PLOS.

Four projects had been nominated for the Early Career shortlist 2021. The researchers presented their proposals at the Symposium on Integrity in Research and the Einstein Foundation Award jury chose a winning team.